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How it works

Welcome to my pet sitting services page! Here, you'll find all the information you need to book me as your pet sitter. From the initial consultation to the final booking, I'll guide you through the process step by step. Let's get started!


First, you contact me

  • tell me a few things about what you and your pet(s) needs. 

  • what duration my services are needed.

Then I will get back with you ASAP on whether or not I am able to fit your needs into my schedule, schedule a meet and greet (if you're a new client or have a new pet), and will work on a quote for services. 


Once Confirmed

Once we've confirmed that I am able to care for your pets, we will schedule a MEET & GREET. This is *required* for all new clients and pets. This makes sure you, your pets, and myself, are all a good fit for each other. 



During the Meet and Greet we will all get to know each other and make sure I am a good fit for your pets. If all goes well, we work on filling out your paper work. There are some forms I need you to fill out and sign. This all sets expectations and protects you, your pets, and myself. ❤️

Feel free to print these out before hand, if you wish, to have them ready for our Meet & Greet!

  • Agreement: This is the agreement between yourself and I that lays out expectations for my pet services.

  • Pet Information: This will give me a ton of info I need to best take care of your pet(s).

  • Veterinary Release: This makes sure I can take your pet to the vet in case of emergency.

If all is well, and we are close to the date needed for me to start your pet services, keys should be given so we wont have to work out another day to meet up while you're busy preparing for your trip.



As a courtesy and to build trust, I will allow the first booking's payments to be paid 50% upfront, at the Meet and Greet, and 50% at the end of my services.

The 50% deposit up front acts as a way to secure your spot in my schedule. I am now committed to take care of your pet.

Future bookings should be paid in full, upfront, at least one week prior to the day my services begin, unless otherwise discussed.



Breathe, your pets will be taken care of! Check that off your to-do list, and do whatever else you need to do to get ready for your trip, and enjoy! 

I love taking photos, so you will likely get daily update text messages! 

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